Friday, September 24, 2010


The average southerner isn't all that bad.  However i will say that that makes up for only 51% of them.  The other 49% are special.  You have Rednecks anywhere you go in the World, but down here, they do things a little different.  They refer to the Civil War as "The War of Northern Aggression", they have bumper stickers that say "Proud decendent of a Confederate Soldier".  And let's not forget that "the confederate flag is just a symbol of states rights". 

You fucking idiots are hung up on a War that happened over 140 years ago, and let's not forget that you LOST!  Since when the fuck should someone celebrate loss? (Rocky 1 excluded)

Don't know why this shit bothers me so much, but it does.    It's like a huge Army of the O'Doyle family from Billy Madison who's lives revolve around fried food, sweet tea, and NASCAR.

If the South won the Civil War, this would be the President. 
I'm just gonna chalk up their "Southern Pride" as ignorance.  Let's not forget that the Southern States are currently leading the nation in least educated and most obese. 

Well there's my little rant for the day.  Adios


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