Friday, September 24, 2010

More shit that makes my fucking head hurt

I know I'm constantly ranting about shit that pisses me off, well, today is no exception!!

I can not fucking stand grown ass men that pretend to be smart because they are physically weak.  There intelligence level is at best average, they just happen to watch a lot of Jeapordy and like to make "observations" about every one else in the world as if they are some sort of God looking down on the rest of society like it was an ant farm.

News flash!  You're not that fucking smart!  You got a Bachelor's in something?  So does Lavar Arrington, and that guy is like Leroy from Mice and Men in the flesh.

So, you know a lot of useless shit because you watch the discovery channel and game shows, you got a bachelors degree, what is your next piece of ammunition?  Memory, you have this off the chain memory and can remember things so vividly yet you never know where you put your fucking keys or wallet.

You are not Bill Gates, you are not Albert Einstein, you are not Davinci.  You are the all singing, all dancing crap of the World, and you are at the bottom of that pile. 

Flash back to a few thousand years ago, you were the fucking cave dweller that the women used to beat up and make baby sit so they could chill while the other men were out hunting because you sure as fuck couldn't be trusted or relied on out on the hunt.  Now, man is for the most part, without natural enemies thanks to technology.  Again, for the most part.

Remember, in Russia, car drives you.  Back to where we were.

This technology has allowed you to co-exist without too much harassment / getting used like a Hebrew slave by people who are literally higher on the food chain than you.  The problem is that you think that every on that is physically capable of manual labor must be a retard and because you don't have the balls to put your back into anything (life, in general).  Wrong.

examples?  Here you go

280lbs of bad assery.  Also an Engineer in Colorado.

 Here we have the complete opposite end of the spectrum.

100lbs soaking wet.  Oh, and my English Mastiff is smarter than this kid is.

The only reason that you fucking bottom dwellers continue to walk around without Irish sunglasses every where you go is because Jail isn't cool.  Now, go, shoo, sit in your mom's basement, listen to your emo music, and be the king of your online chat forum about how every one who has accomplished any thing in their lives sucks.  And when you're wondering what the hell is taking your Mom so long to bring the god damn meat loaf, it's because she's up stairs blowing Shane Carwin.

Until next time


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