Sunday, September 26, 2010


How can anyone NOT like dogs? 

Okay, I get that there are the few people out there who were brutally attacked by abused dogs as children who are sketchy around them and shit but seriously, aside from those people, never trust some one who doesn't like a dog.  Why?  How about because they're loyal to the point that they would fight to the death for you against impossible odds and all they want in return is some pettings and the occasional piece of bacon.

I guess I'm a fan of dogs because I see their unwaivering loyalty to the end even though they ask for almost nothing in return and I have a soft spot in my (tiny) heart for that.

Not to mention, when a face like this comes at you just wanting a pat on the head and to give you a few sloppy kisses, it can erase all memories of a completely shit day.
Please love me

C'MON!!  Dogs are WAY better than cats.  Just saying.


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